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Yuri Fukuoka



 1987 Born in Osaka, Japan 





 2011           Graduate of Kyoto city university of Arts [ceramic]  [B.F.A]

 2013           Finished the master's course from Kyoto city university of Arts[ceramic] [M.F.A]


Solo Exhibition


 2024              [ Blooming tomorrow ] Yoshino Gallery / Gifu

 2024              [ Silver lining ] Osaka Takashimaya Gallery NEXT / Osaka

 2023              [ Dream to Dream ] Longquan Research Institute, China Academy of Fine Arts (China)

 2023              [ Circulation] Kyoto Takashimaya Art and Craft gallery / Kyoto,  Japan 

 2022              [ A place where we come back ーDream of flowersー ] Gallery Fukuzumi / Osaka, Japan

 2021              [  Blooming white time flowers​ ] 

                                                         Kyoto Takashimaya Art and Craft Gallery/ Kyoto, Japan

 2019              [ Echo ] Gallery Sujin / Kyoto, Japan

 2019              [ Dream of algae ] Gallery Fukuzumi / Osaka, Japan

 2017              [ PICK UP A DOOR ] Gallery Fukuzumi / Osaka, Japan

 2017              [ White dream -opposite of a door-] Gallery Life Seeding / Taipei

 2016              [ Focus on the blue ]  Sunlight Gallery, Yingge Ceramics Museum / New Taipei City

 2014              [ Swimming in the sky ]  Gallery HAKU3 / Osaka, Japan

 2012              [ Become to bubbles ]  Gallery HAKU3 / Osaka, Japan




    |                   Part-time teacher at Kyoto city university of Arts [ceramic] 



    |                    Part-time assistant at Kyoto University of Art&Design



    |                    Part-time teacher at Nagoya University of the Arts, Aichi


Artist in residence, symposium and workshops

 2024             Korea-China-Japan Ceramic Workshop, Gyeonggi Ceramics Biennale 2024 / Korea

 2024             CLAYARCH GIMHAE MUSEUM/ Korea

 2023              Longquan Research Institute, China Academy of Fine Arts, Guest Artist / Longquan

 2019              Maoli international ceramics Symposium, Guest Artist /  Maoli

 2019              The 8th Changchun International Ceramics Symposium, Guest Artist / Changchun

 2019              The 15th Arte in Situ, Guest Artist / Croatia

 2018              Буковина-2018, Guest Artist / Ukraine

 2018              International Art project Baikal -CeraMystica, Guest Artist / Russia

 2017              Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Studio Artist / Japan          

 2017              The 6th Changchun ceramic symposium, Guest Artist / Changchun 

 2017- 2016         Residence artist at Taiwan University of Arts  / New Taipei City    

 2016               Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Studio Artist  / Japan         

 2015                [ Ceramic Artist in residence 2015 ] 

                             KÜNSTLERHAUS STADTTÖPFEREI NEUMÜNSTER, Guest Artist / Germany

 2015                Буковина-2015,  Guest Artist / Ukraine

 2015                ART-Zhyzhal, Guest Artist  / Belarus

Group Exhibition



                            [ Shape of "Wan" Part3 ] Gallery VOICE / Gifu

                            [ Unlock International Exhibition ] Hibiscus Art Museum / Korea

                            [ FOR REUNION ] Taoxichuan Cultural District / China

           [ Gimhae, the sea of gold knocks on Asia Korea-China-Japan Ceramic Exhibition ]

                                                                                                          CLAYARCH GIMHAE MUSEUM/ Korea

                            [ Purpose with beauty ] Kyoto Takashimaya Art Gallery / Kyoto, Japan

                            [ Art Fair Beppu 2024 ]Former Ferry Sunflower Terminal at Beppu International

                                                               Tourist Port / Oita

 2023                  [ 12th “Kyoto Ceramics Week Wanwan one” ] NOHGA HOTEL KIYOMIZU / Kyoto

                            [ Even the caterpillar bug likes sake cups 2023 ] Gallery Yu-Yusha SAPPORO / Hokkaido

                            [ Ceramic synergy ] Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art / Kyoto, Japan

                            [ Sake cup made by contemporary artists ] Osaka Takashimaya / Osaka

 2022               [Cosmos of your hands  -2022- ] Gallery Yu-Yusha SAPPORO / Hokkaido, Japan

                         [ Sparkling Clay – Artists and Children at the Frontier of Ceramics ] 

                                                                       The Museum of Contemporary Ceramic Art / Shiga, Japan  

                            [ Craft trends fair 2022 ] COEX C 홀 / Korea

 2021               [ Flows ] Varana / London

                            [ MINGLE at BIWAKO ] BIWAKO hall / Shiga

                            [ Shigaraki 信楽 ] Lokal Gallery / Finland
                            [ First patronage program 2021 ] KAWAMURA Arts and cultural foundation / Web

                            [ TOTTE Part 3 ] Gallery VOICE / Gifu

                            [ Ceramic in love - three ] Centro congressi Piero Martinetti / Italy

                            [ MINGLE at BIWAKO2021 ] BIWAKO hall / Shiga

                            [ 20th ANGELINA ALÓS INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL]

                  ESPLUGUES DE LLOBREGAT MUSEUMS / Spain

 2020                [ BIWAKO Biennal 2020 ] Kanekichi house / Shiga

                            [ LOST & FOUND ] YELO House / Thailand

                            [ Sake cup made by contemporary artists ] Osaka Takashimaya / Osaka

 2019               [ International Vasyl Krychevsky BIENNALE] / Ukraine

                         [ Purpose with beauty ] Kyoto Takashimaya Art Gallery / Kyoto, Japan

                         [ The 15th Arte in Situ ] casa Rosina / Croatia


                                                                Culture of the City Hall of Talavera de la Reina / Spain

                         [ Shape of “Yoi” part2 ], Gallery Voice / Gifu, Japan

                         [ Maoli international ceramics festival 2019 ] Maoli Ceramic museum / Maoli
                         [ One hundred SAKE cups ]  Kyoto Takashimaya Art and Craft Gallery/ Kyoto, Japan

                         [ DREAMING, DAVID A. CLARK & INTRODUCING YURI FUKUOKA]    

                                                                                                              OTA CONTEMPORARY / USA



 2018               [ 19th Ceramics Biennale of Esplugues Angelina  Alós ]

                                                                      La Masoveria de Can Tinturé Museum / Spain 

                         [ Ceramic&Colours Award2018 ] Faenza art ceramic center / Italy

                         [ Буковина-2018 ] Sweet art gallery / Ukraine

                         [ International Art project Baikal -CeraMystica ] / Russia

                         [ Shape of bowls, partⅡ ]  Gallery Voice / Gifu, Japan

                         [ Ceramics of KUMAKURA Jyunkichi with spirits of Jazz

           ×  21st century Ceramic artists ]

                                      The Museum of Contemporary Ceramic Art / Shiga, Japan

                          [ First Patronage Program 2018 ] KITTE Marunouchi / Tokyo 



 2017               [ 2017 ART FORMOSA ] KUO MU SHENG ART CENTER / Taipei      

                         [ 37CICA2017 ]Museu de Ceràmica de l’Alcora / Spain

                         [ 8ª Bienal Internacional de Cerámica “Ciudad de Talavera” ]

                                  DEL EXCMO AYTO DE TALAVERA DE LA REIN / Spain

                         [ The group show of the seventh artist in residence at Taiwan Art University]

                                                                                 Taiwan University of Arts / New Taipei City

 2016               [ The Hagi Taishou of Contemporary Ceramic IV ] / Yamaguchi, Japan

                         [ Rich Seasons II ] ORIE ART GALLERY / Tokyo, Japan

                         [ It's clay ] Sky Art Foundation / Kiev, Ukraine

                         [ ART POINT Selection Ⅳ ]  Gallery ART POINT / Tokyo, Japan

                         [ Shiga Zoukei Shudan 40th Anniversary Memorial Biwako Award Exhibition ]

                                                                       The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga / Shiga, Japan

                         [ Shape of "Yoi" ]  Gallery Voice / Gifu, Japan

                         [ Suggestion of the ceramic art ]  Gallery HAKU / Osaka, Japan

                         [ 鏡片-Lens- ] Gallery HAKU / Osaka, Japan

                         [ Ceramic Artist in residence 2015 ]

                                                       KÜNSTLERHAUS STADTTÖPFEREI NEUMÜNSTER / Germany


 2015               [ Буковина-2015 ] Chernovtsy / Ukraine

                         [ ART-Zhyzhal ] Bobruisk / Belarus

                         [ The 59th Faenza prize ]  MIC / Italy

                         [ SICF16 -Spiral Independent Creators Festival- ]  SPIRAL / Tokyo

                         [ Suggestion of the ceramic art ]  Gallery HAKU / Osaka

                         [ Raison d'etre of Art No.19 ]  Gallery Art Imagine / Tokyo


 2014               [ We'll hang on the all-concrete hole. Part2 ]  Gallery Kitanozaka/ Kobe

                         [ Contemporary Ceramic Art in Asia ] CLAYARCH GIMHAE MUSEUM/ Korea

                         [ so many men, so many minds ] Gallery MIDORI / Tochigi, Japan

                         [ TOTTE part2 ]  Gallery Voice / Gifu, Japan

                         [ Suggestion of the ceramic art ]  Gallery HAKU / Osaka,

                         [ Kyoto Prefecture Art and Craft Invitational Competition ]

                                                                                                         The Museum of Kyoto/ Kyoto


 2013               [ Kyoto city university of Arts exhibition ] / Kyoto

                         [ Hitodenashi!! ]  Ken Hamasaki Red museum/ Osaka

 2012               [ East Asian Contemporary Ceramics Exhibition ]

                                                          New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics museum / New Taipei City

 2011               [ +9 Ceramic exhibition ]  Gallery Maronie / Kyoto

 2010               [ Cray man, Cray women ]  Gallery Shu / Kyoto

 2009               [ Same period's ceramic student's exhibition ] Rissei elementary school / Kyoto


Award / Other achievements


 2021               20th ANGELINA ALÓS INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL / Spain [ Finalist ]

 2019               The 1st “Lotus Mountain Prize” International Ceramics contest / China [excellence award ]

 2019               International Vasyl Krychevsky BIENNALE / Ukraine [ Finalist]


 2018               19th Ceramics Biennale of Esplugues Angelina  Alós / Spain [ Finalist ]

 2018               Ceramic&Colours Award2018 / Italy [ Finalist ]

 2017               8ª Bienal Internacional de Cerámica “Ciudad de Talavera”  / Spain

                               [ Mención de honor ]

 2017               37CICA2017 / Spain [ Finalist ]

 2016               The Hagi Taishou of Contemporary Ceramic IV  / Yamaguchi [ Finalist ]

 2016               Shiga Zoukei Shudan 40th Anniversary Memorial Biwako Award / Shiga [ Finalist ]

 2015               The 59th Faenza prize   MIC / Italy [ Finalist ]

 2013               Kyoto city university of Arts exhibition [ Encouragement award ]


Public collection


Faenza art ceramic center / Italy

Museu de Ceràmica de lʼAlcora / Spain


Changchun Ceramic Gallery / China Bobruisk Museum / Belarus

National Museum of Ukrainian Pottery / Ukraine

China Academy of Fine Arts / China


Yuri Fukuoka / Yuri Fukuoka

An artist living in Japan. Ceramics, installations, drawings, poetry, photographs, etc.

I'm an artist in Japan. Ceramics, installation, drawing, poem, photos etc.

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